Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Class: Important Notes from my Notes

I need to clarify how I approximated the ratio of Ranger to Yankees fans. This seemed to be interesting to the people that read my paper.

I need to address the casual fan v.s serious fan. Discuss in detail, how I can tell them apart as well as make note of what may bring the casual fan to the ballpark. Obviously, we know why the serious fan goes to the game, but why does the casual fan go?

I also can discuss why the Yankees bring so much emotion to a baseball game and why they bring so many fans with them. I have learned from my notes that some people aren't familiar with the fact that the Yankees are one of the (if not the) most popular team in MLB. Being popular is what brings people to watch the Yankees, as there is no "Rivalry" between the Yankees and Rangers in particular. I need to note that the Yankees are a first place team right now, and that this game was more than just "another game". This series could be re-created in the post season, making it extremely important.

1 comment:

  1. Holly,
    I think that you have come up with a great idea to observe the Ranger's baseball stadium. The idea that you are separating the fans into categories is an impressive idea. I think that this will give an appeal to Ethos because you could argue that this place can be home to any type of fan for the duration of the game.
