Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog Post #3

For my public space analysis paper, I have decided to observe The Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. I have chosen this place because I really enjoy going to the ballpark and think that it is a place that will have lots of things to observe. The wide variety of people that go to the ballpark alone makes it an appealing place to observe.

Upon observation, I expect to see a wide variety of people, ranging from families out for a night of fun to dedicated season ticket holders. I plan to go to one game against the Yankees and one game against the Detroit Tigers. It will be interesting to see the how the crowd differs for each game, especially considering that the Yankees tend to travel well.

I do not consider myself apart of the Target audience at Ballpark. I would go to a game rain or shine, win or loose. I don't have to been drawn in by a special giveaway or a popular opponent.

Unfortunately, because I have been to a lot of baseball games I already have an idea of what to expect. At the Yankees games, I expect lots of annoying Yankee "bandwagon" fans. During the Detroit games, there will probably be lots of casual fans, pretending to know a lot about the Rangers. I can hopefully overcome these obstacles by going to the ballpark with an open mind and by not making any judgments before the 5th inning.


  1. The Rangers game is a really good idea. There is such a large crowd, with such a wide range of people, I'm sure you'll get some great observations. You're lucky they play the Yanks this weekend, that will be a good series to observe at.

  2. This seems like it will be a lot of fun to do, getting to see how fans react to different teams and different scores. I bet there's also a big difference in where you sit in the ball park too.

  3. I love baseball, and being a fellow avid baseball fan (for the Rockies, though I do enjoy watching the Rangers play), I can guarantee you that this will be a fun place to observe. Especially when playing rivals (but even for weaker opponents as well), it will be interesting to observe fans of both teams, as well as more passive fans who seem to just be at the ballpark for more of the experience rather than the game itself.

  4. Holly, Holly, Holly should have known this would have been your public space. I think you made a great choice in games to attend. You can't go wrong with a Yankee game because you will attract baseball fanatics and the average Joe alike. The Tigers is also good but I probably feel this way because I am from Detroit. Can't wait to read your finished observation.

  5. I think you picked a great spot, that you are obviously very fond of. I haven't been to the field in Arlington, but I used to watch the Astros play, back when they had the killer B's. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun watching and participating in the action.

  6. I think this is a perfect space to observe. Baseball is a very interesting sport because watching a game is a very social experience. I am from New Hampshire so Red Sox baseball is a religion. (I'm a fan of the Red Sox and anyone who beats the Yankees) After going to a game, you feel bonded with the fans around you. Good luck with your observations and have fun!
