Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Class: Observation process

The observation process was what I expected. I have been to so many baseball games and have been to the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington so many times that I have seen almost everything there is to see. As usual, the Yankees fans were extremely annoying and rude. Fights broke out, and people were getting tossed (not the players) out of the stadium left and right. However, this is typical anytime the Yankees (or even Boston) comes to town. Also, many of their fans were not from New York. They were the typical bandwagon fans that only pick up a Yankees hat when they come to Texas. All of the highlights from the game were typical for a baseball game. The only odd thing about the game was that it went into extra innings, and we had a walk-off win. It was great, but I experienced almost the same thing a few ago at a Boston game.

The ballpark was packed, as I suspected it would be. Even though the game went past midnight, I don't think more than 10 people had left. Where there is usually free, or discounted parking it was $10. Overall, I was able to make many observations.

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