Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Class: Ethos object

To represent ethos, I have brought a stack of baseball tickets. Being a girl, if I tell people I'm a baseball fan, they automatically assume that I only like it to watch the players or that I know very little about it. They assume that I am a 'casual fan'. A casual fan is someone who goes to a few games a year, knows a little bit about the sport, and can only name the major players. However, I am a lot more than just a casual fan. So far, I have been to over 15 Ranger games this year (and counting). My stack of tickets makes an appeal to my authority on baseball, and proves that I am more than just a casual fan.

1 comment:

  1. Holly I really like that you used baseball tickets as an ethos object. It was very creative and opposed to it building credibility for you, it also showed that baseball is important to you. It showed that you have a strong connection and appeal to baseball. You obviously take it very serious and I sure take you for more than just a "casual fan."
