Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In Class: First Paragraph

The Rangers Ballpark in Arlington is one of my favorite places to go. I love everything about it, the sights, the sounds, and even the smells. There's nothing like walking in from the center field gates, walking past the Nolan Ryan statue and just looking out over the ballpark. The grass is the greenest grass you will ever see and it is complimented by the 40,000 dark green seats that surround it. My favorite time to be there is during batting practice, before the game even starts. It's early, so there isn't many other people there. It's almost like I have the whole stadium to myself. I sit down and listen to the sounds of baseball. Bat and ball, ball and glove. It's actually quite relaxing.

In Class: Peer Workshops

I have had lots of experience with in class peer workshops. My very first semester at TCU, I took the Freshman English course and it was set up in almost the exact same format. We did peer workshops with our first drafts. At first I was a little hesitant about having people read my paper, but after a while I became comfortable with it and eventually grew to enjoy it and find it very helpful. I found the advice and suggestions were extremely helpful and actually did help in making my paper better. Sometimes though, I felt as if my peers didn't really care to read or help. Those were the ones that made peer review a little annoying. However, I think there were far more people interested in actually revising papers than those that weren't. Overall, I think peer review is a helpful tool in revising a paper.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Class: Important Notes from my Notes

I need to clarify how I approximated the ratio of Ranger to Yankees fans. This seemed to be interesting to the people that read my paper.

I need to address the casual fan v.s serious fan. Discuss in detail, how I can tell them apart as well as make note of what may bring the casual fan to the ballpark. Obviously, we know why the serious fan goes to the game, but why does the casual fan go?

I also can discuss why the Yankees bring so much emotion to a baseball game and why they bring so many fans with them. I have learned from my notes that some people aren't familiar with the fact that the Yankees are one of the (if not the) most popular team in MLB. Being popular is what brings people to watch the Yankees, as there is no "Rivalry" between the Yankees and Rangers in particular. I need to note that the Yankees are a first place team right now, and that this game was more than just "another game". This series could be re-created in the post season, making it extremely important.

In Class: Observation process

The observation process was what I expected. I have been to so many baseball games and have been to the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington so many times that I have seen almost everything there is to see. As usual, the Yankees fans were extremely annoying and rude. Fights broke out, and people were getting tossed (not the players) out of the stadium left and right. However, this is typical anytime the Yankees (or even Boston) comes to town. Also, many of their fans were not from New York. They were the typical bandwagon fans that only pick up a Yankees hat when they come to Texas. All of the highlights from the game were typical for a baseball game. The only odd thing about the game was that it went into extra innings, and we had a walk-off win. It was great, but I experienced almost the same thing a few ago at a Boston game.

The ballpark was packed, as I suspected it would be. Even though the game went past midnight, I don't think more than 10 people had left. Where there is usually free, or discounted parking it was $10. Overall, I was able to make many observations.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog #4: Public Space Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

The Rangers Ballpark in Arlington has makes many arguments appealing to Ethos, Pathos, and Logos:

Ethos - Character, credibility
An appeal to Ethos is one of the most obvious arguments made at the ballpark. If you're not sitting on the first base side, you can easily spot three pennants displayed along a concrete wall. These pennants are from the years that the Rangers won the AL West division title - 1996, 1998, and 1999. These titles establish that the Rangers have had some success in past and establishes their credibility. However, many non-Rangers fans use these titles to make the exact opposite argument - That the Rangers aren't a very successful team, lowering their credibility as a ball club. Another Ethos argument in the constant presence of Nolan Ryan. For those who are not baseball fans, Nolan Ryan is one of the greatest pitchers in Major League Baseball. Video clips play during the game showing his 4,000th, 5,000th, and 5,714th career strikeouts - all in a Ranger Uniform. Having his presence at the Ballpark - historically and literally (he owns part of the Rangers and attends most games) significantly boosts the credibility of the Rangers.

Pathos - Emotion
If you are a hardcore baseball fan, it's hard not to experience emotion during a game, especially if it's extra innings at home against the New York Yankees. Since the game became tied in the bottom of the 8th, you could feel the tension in the air. Every single inning after that, it only grew. Every single time contact was made between bat and ball, there was a reaction, no matter if it was way foul or out to the warning track. However, the greatest emotion was felt when a Walk-off home run was hit in the bottom of the 13th by a Ranger Player. The excitement and energy felt was incredible. Every single Ranger fan walked away with a newfound sense of pride.

Logos - Logic
Baseball is a game of statistics. At all times, statistics for the game being played can be seen on the giant scoreboard above home run porch. These statistics can be obviously used to make arguments about a players performance during a game. With one quick glance, you would be able to tell that Elvis Andrus has gone 1-3 with a single to right field, two K's and a walk. While offensive statistics are usually reliable, pitching statistics can really mislead someone. For example: A pitcher can throw a no-hitter but get a loss at the same time. I could explain it, if you want!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Class: Logos Item

For my logos item, I am using the box score from a recent baseball game. A box score contains all of the information in statistical form from a baseball game. If you understand baseball, you will be able to almost recreate the entire game based upon the numbers in the box score. All of the happenings are based upon the observations made during the game.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog Post #3

For my public space analysis paper, I have decided to observe The Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. I have chosen this place because I really enjoy going to the ballpark and think that it is a place that will have lots of things to observe. The wide variety of people that go to the ballpark alone makes it an appealing place to observe.

Upon observation, I expect to see a wide variety of people, ranging from families out for a night of fun to dedicated season ticket holders. I plan to go to one game against the Yankees and one game against the Detroit Tigers. It will be interesting to see the how the crowd differs for each game, especially considering that the Yankees tend to travel well.

I do not consider myself apart of the Target audience at Ballpark. I would go to a game rain or shine, win or loose. I don't have to been drawn in by a special giveaway or a popular opponent.

Unfortunately, because I have been to a lot of baseball games I already have an idea of what to expect. At the Yankees games, I expect lots of annoying Yankee "bandwagon" fans. During the Detroit games, there will probably be lots of casual fans, pretending to know a lot about the Rangers. I can hopefully overcome these obstacles by going to the ballpark with an open mind and by not making any judgments before the 5th inning.

In Class: Ethos object

To represent ethos, I have brought a stack of baseball tickets. Being a girl, if I tell people I'm a baseball fan, they automatically assume that I only like it to watch the players or that I know very little about it. They assume that I am a 'casual fan'. A casual fan is someone who goes to a few games a year, knows a little bit about the sport, and can only name the major players. However, I am a lot more than just a casual fan. So far, I have been to over 15 Ranger games this year (and counting). My stack of tickets makes an appeal to my authority on baseball, and proves that I am more than just a casual fan.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

In Class: Understanding Pathos for Public Space

Being able to understand pathos will be helpful in writing my public space essay. Emotion is something that can be felt, although probably not the same to everyone, and analyzed. Being able to feel that emotion can help in trying to figure what is going on the space at that moment. It will help in being able to tell what the people of the space want and expect.

In Class: Pathos

For my pathos object, I have brought a bracelet made out of the stitching of a baseball. I enjoy baseball greatly because it is enjoyable to watch, however I also enjoy it because baseball is very popular with my family and was a favorite of my late Grandfather.. One of the last things we ever did together was watch a Rangers game on TV. I will never forget that game. It was the Rangers against the Angels. Emotions were running high that game. A Ranger pitcher threw a questionable pitch and the Angel batter went running straight towards the pitcher. I will never forget seeing all of the players out on the field, throwing punches and going crazy.