Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In Class: Whatever

I had a really short thanksgiving break because I had to come back to Fort Worth Friday morning to work a closing shift on black Friday. That wasn't very fun. Surprisingly, the worst day over the weekend was Saturday. I didn't leave work until 12:30am and had been there since 3:00pm. Retail changes the way you view the Holidays. Trust me. Other than having to leave home early, my break was okay. I got to see my entire family so that was good. Plus, I even got to go to the old Dance hall out by my house. When I say Dance hall, I mean dance hall. The place has been around since the early 1900's and is connected an old inn.

Hopefully this week will remain easy, then next week will be easy as well. Finals week will be the tough one. After that, I will stay in Fort Worth for the majority of my break and work.

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