Thursday, October 7, 2010

Unit 2 Proposal

For my Unit 2 proposal, I have decided to look at the arguments in response to the February 2010 decision by the FEI (International Equestrian Federation) to limit the use of a technique known as Rollkur in international Dressage Competitions. Rollkur (also known as Hyperflexion) is a training technique in which a horses head is carried behind the vertical. Many people find this technique to be unnatural and abusive to the horse, believing it contributes to severe neck bone and muscle injuries. The decision of the FEI was to ban Rollkur, which they defined as "flexion of the horse’s neck achieved through aggressive force, which is therefore unacceptable." However, they stated that the technique known as LDR (Low, Dreep and Round) was "Acceptable." This is interesting because LDR has the horses head in the same position as Rollkur, the only difference is the method used to achieve it - which is where the controversy starts. People weren't necessarily upset with the method used to achieve the positioning, it was the positioning itself that caused concern.

I intend to look for primary sources from Blogs and magazines. Mostly, I will use blogs created by horseback riders and those who enjoy following Dressage. Most individuals had something to say once the FEI's decision came out in February. Also, I have a Magazine called "Practical Horseman" that has a column from a highly respected U.S. horseman in direct response to the FEI's decision.

I chose this topic/event because it is one that I am truly interested in being an avid horseback rider. The people that are using Rollkur are not only casual riders that show at mid-level circuit, but also some of the most respected and accomplished riders in the world. You can click here to see a non-biased video that explains Rollkur/Hyperflexion and shows it being used in the training ring as well as the show ring.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your first response to this controversy inclass and now reading your blog post, I feel like I know more about this topic and I'd love to hear what others have to say!
