Thursday, August 26, 2010

In Class: The First Week of School

So far, my first week of school has been relatively normal. My classes are gradually getting more difficult as I prepare to enter the business school. This semester, my classes are particularly math-oriented so I can already tell I'm going to have a lot of homework. My professors all seem pretty cool, they are each really different though, especially when it comes to their teaching styles. One talks extremely fast, and is very hard to keep up with while others seems to drag on. I'm sure that's a pretty common thing though in college.

This is the first year that I have lived off campus, so driving to school every morning has been a little different, although I am not missing Bluu food at all. Also this week, my roommate and I have cooked out first meals. Although we are not too confident yet, I'm sure we'll get better as we go. We actually made Fettichini Alfredo for our very first meal and it tasted pretty good. Don't laugh, but we have yet to actually figure out to work our salt and pepper shakers.

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