Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Entry #1

My name is Holly and I am a Junior accounting major here at TCU. I am from a very small town just outside of Austin, Texas called Coupland. There, I live on a working 80+ acre farm. Each year, we plant, grow, and harvest corn, maze, and cotton. What makes home so special to me is that it has been in the family for five generations now. The soil we use today is the same soil my Great-Great Grandparents from Germany used to grow their crops. I really enjoy watching baseball. I'm a huge Rangers fan and usually go to more games than you can count on your hands and toes. I also really enjoy horseback riding when I have the time.

I have chosen to take this course because it is apart of the required core curriculum at TCU. From this class, I hope to become a better writer and most importantly, become more confident in my writing.

Currently, my writing is almost completely limited to what I write on social networking sites, such as Facebook, and texting. Overall, I feel as if my writing isn't as strong as it could be. Many times, I feel like I can think of something good to write, but have issues actually putting that thought onto paper. I believe this issue is the biggest challenge I face when trying to improve my writing.

This blog can be considered an informative argument because it can "inform members of an audience about something they didn't know." My entire introduction can be used to inform my classmates and my teacher about myself. Not only is my writing a way to inform people, but my background and the various gadgets on my blog can also be informative. My background is a bright pink, which could inform readers about my bubbly personality. The fish gadgets can argue that I'm a little silly, too. Hopefully the amount I have written, as well as the 'carefully planned layout' argues my active participation in the course, as well.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.

1 comment:

  1. Holly,
    I enjoyed reading about you and your farm! honestly I wasn't expecting to read that you live on a farm outside of Austin. That is so interesting, my dad has a small farm out in Reno, TX. I think you make a good point about how we can make an argument from an introduction. I guess it's like giving a little hint about the whole person. Thanks again and hope to read more.
